"Racism and the Church" Conversation with Dr. Charles Galbreath

As we continue our dialogue on racism, discrimination, and prejudice, it is my honor to interview Dr. Charles Galbreath, Senior Pastor of Clarendon Road Church. As a predominantly African American Church with a multi-ethnic diaspora, Clarendon Road is situated in the heart of Brooklyn. Recently, Dr. Galbreath led a Racial Unity Seminar for the Metro District and Podcast on Kingdom Justice & Mercy. The latter can be found at metrocma.org/podcast

Lurking in the Shadows

It lurks in the shadows.  We can’t always see it.  We don’t always hear it.  But we know it is there.  We can ignore it.  We can hide from it.  But we can’t suppress it.  We may not be guilty of hate-related crimes.  But we are all culpable of prejudice.  There is one answer; it lies at the foot of the Cross.  Jesus sees beyond the color of our skin, the contours of our language, the preferences of our food. The gospel does not discriminate, “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, slave nor free, male nor female, for we are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) In a time marked by heightened rhetoric, blatant discrimination, and marked violence, I am grateful for churches like CenterPoint and Pastor Brian McMillan, who engage instead of shying away.  May we choose reconciliation and repentance instead of racism and discrimination.


"Faith in the Midst of Coronavirus" National Association of Evangelicals Podcast

National Association of Evangelicals President Dr. Walter Kim interviewed Reverend Ko on how Christians should response to COVID19. The podcast explores pandemics and plagues while reflecting on stigma and racial stereotypes affecting Asian Americans. Exhortations of hope are provided for the Church to stand in the gap in this extraordinary season.

“We’re forced to consider church outside of a building, worship without a concert, and fellowship that is intentional and creative …….. it is in times of chaos and turmoil that the Church has flourished.” Reverend Stephen Ko

“We’re forced to consider church outside of a building, worship without a concert, and fellowship that is intentional and creative …….. it is in times of chaos and turmoil that the Church has flourished.” Reverend Stephen Ko

The Sacrifice of Social Distancing

“Rarely does a normal person have the opportunity to save the lives of others through routine sacrifices in daily life. Yet, right now, each of us has that opportunity. By embracing social distancing measures in our lives—whether canceling social events, staying away from mass gatherings, or changing the way we interact with people, we can save the lives of the vulnerable—by staying away.”

Reverend Stephen Ko


Coronavirus Fears Mean We Need More Communion, Not Less - Christianity Today


“I believe the church must lead in love rather than be manipulated by stigma. We are called to provide compassion instead of cowering in fear. Churches must trust sound theology, science, and public health instead of succumbing to rumors and hysteria from social media.”
Rev. Stephen Ko

Excerpt from Coronavirus Fears Mean We Need More Communion, Not Less. Christianity Today

Jesus Week "Thank You" from Reverend Ko

Greetings in the love of Christ 3Stone Community,

As I reflect on the events of “Jesus Week”, my heart is filled with joy and exultation!  An incredible display of inter-congregational evangelism, more than 2500 evangelism bags containing the Jesus Film DVD, evangelism tracts, invitations to worship, and more were delivered to the doorsteps of apartments and homes surrounding 3Stone and NYCAC.  This culminated in an Evangelistic Book Fair/Carnival after worship on June 10th harkening back to the old NYC C&MA “tent” crusades of the 1920s.  A total of 55 contact cards were filled out, likely representing 150-200 visitors (families) from our surrounding neighbors.   

A heartfelt “THANK YOU” to all who volunteered to serve the bride of Christ and the community surrounding her.    You were the hands, you were the feet, you were the voices of Jesus.  Though you were tired you gave of your time, though you were afraid you spoke a word of truth, though your heart was disenchanted you knelt at the altar and carried out the Great Commission. 

What you witnessed was the future of 3Stone, a future where our focus lies outward instead of inward.  It is a future where evangelism reigns and our community ministers together with joy.  It is a fellowship full of vibrancy that anticipates the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives and those of our community.

Let us pray for the follow-up of these individuals and families, that the Holy Spirit would convict their hearts and minds of the truth of the gospel.

Soli Deo Gloria,